手风琴专业调律软件 - Accordions Worldwide
Mirco Patarini, Scandalli Accordions:
Dirk Wolters是来自荷兰北部一个小城镇Sneek的软件开发人员。他开发了一个独特的软件应用程序,可以加快手风琴的调整过程。Dirk's Accordion Tuner, as the software is called, simplifies the complex tuning process and makes it easier to understand。
手风琴调音台非常准确。测量误差小于0.05 Hz(声波长于20秒)。这种精度使得不仅可以测量单个簧片,而且可以同时测量多个簧片以及它们之间的跳动频率。特殊的算法消除了校准的需要;调谐器总是准确的!
调谐器软件使用麦克风来测量声音。由于调谐器的精度与麦克风无关,所以可以使用任何麦克风,虽然能够测量非常低的低音,但是广谱麦克风提供了更好的效果。Dirk's Accordion Tuner ranges from the E0 (20.6 Hz) up to the C9 (8.4 kHz)。调谐器可以同时测量多达三个簧片,并且还可以测量当具有几乎相同音高的多个簧片在一起时发生的跳动频率。This effect is called 'tremolo'。The characteristic sound of a specific accordion largely depends on the amount of beating for each note; the 'tuning' of the accordion。With Dirk's Accordion Tuner one can create and save lists with these beating frequencies, making it possible to save the tuning of an accordion in a computer file。The tuner software can use this file during the tuning process so every note will get exactly the right amount of 'tremolo'。这样就不需要查找表了!
如果不了解手风琴的调谐,手风琴调音台可以记录其所有音符并创建调谐文件。记录的芦苇及其错误,就所需的殴打而言,可以在方便的表中报告。最好的事情是手风琴可以在不打开的情况下进行记录。This means that pitch differences caused by the accordion's case or by interacting reeds are taken into account; the real sound is measured。