Name: Pierre Valk
Location: Nijmegen

Unbelievable, my week at Linard was even more than I hoped for. First of all the 2 people Ben and Inez who are like a warm blanket. Ben is really superb in his knowledge of (grand) piano’s, materials, and tuning and the same classification counts for Inez as a lovely host and cook. My goal was to learn tuning a grand, so I would be confident to tune my own Sauter Delta 185. Well, as a teacher, Ben learned me a lot, and gave me just “that” feeling to go on, buy tuning stuff, and just start with it. Impressive were also the restauration skills Ben showed me and his never ending patience. It is making me a bit jealous. Combined with the lovely surroundings, the perfect service from Inez it felt like holiday. Highly recommendable…….
Name: Marco
Location: Rijwijk

Many thanks for Ben and Inez for their wonderfull hospitality. Ben's detailed and professional knowledge about the construction and technique of the piano inspires and infects you with appreciation for the piano.
The beautiful nature around the location and culinary surpises of Inez makes the experience complete.
Very complete and detailed info and time enough to practice.
No regrets and recommendable!

Name: Rebecca
Location: Australia

This course is amazing. How Ben has jam packed so many areas of learning into a week and deliver it with ease and enthusiasm is incredible.

I attended the course with my husband and both of us thoroughly enjoyed it and can't wait to get tuning pianos in Australia. We learnt so much and had so much fun. Ben provides a hands on learning approach and it was wonderful to get practice at tuning both grand and upright pianos.

The accommodation is beautiful as well. My family stayed with us in the cottage and it was so cosy and lovely. My two young daughters loved spending the day on the property and seeing the wildlife and cows. An experience not typical to the Australian tourist where we all experienced the enrichment of French culture in the countryside.

The meals are amazing. Inez's home cooked meals are delicious and you certainly won't go hungry. Such a treat to have a meal prepared for you between the study.

It was wonderful to get to know Ben and Inez. They are so welcoming and friendly. Also meeting the others doing the course. In the evenings we would stay up and chat, play music, watch videos. We certainly gained new friends after the week had ended.

Thanks Ben and Inez for having us. It was such a beautiful experience and we will keep in touch with our progress tuning pianos .

Name: Craig
Location: Australia

Course April 2017

This was a wonderful and professionally presented course. Piano tuning, restoration, regulation and repair are just some of Ben's many talents.

Ben has a fully-equipped workshop and is full of practical know-how on just about any piano-related subject you can think of.

The setting is beautiful, nestled amongst the flowing hills and valleys in rural France.

Mention must also be made of Inez' food included with the course. Each meal was amazing and delicious. Homely food cooked from the heart.